I just realized I've had this blog for just over three years. It's been a lot of fun, but my approach to blogging is very different when I began. So today I thought I'd share a "Then" and "Now" post. It's been a fun journey.
Then: I posted content everyday....yes, everyday. I did five outfit posts and two weekend shopping posts. It's hard for me to fathom the time I spent on this little space each week. It definitely didn't give me a lot of balance in my life.
Now: I post 3-4 times a week, and am actually thinking I might just stick to three posts now. Blogging takes a lot of time, and although it's fun, it's just a hobby.
Then: I wasted a ton of time trying to take photos during times that didn't work. Such as, when it's windy, too sunny, too overcast, too cold, etc. Seriously, it was pretty ridiculous.
Now: If it's too sunny, windy, or cold I don't even attempt pictures. I know I won't be happy with them, so why waste the time? I now set aside about a half hour on Saturday mornings to take a few pictures, and if that doesn't work, so be it.
Then: I literally followed and commented on about 100 blogs a day. I was super excited to read, see, and engage with so many other bloggers. I also read that the more you comment and share your website, the more the word on your blog gets out. I never thought I'd be the next "Kendi," but I did want to grow my audience.
Now: There are very few blogs I read on a daily basis, and I'm now more of a "lurker" than a "commenter." I still like to read some blogs, but I don't at all comment and share my site like I used to. I don't ever comment in hopes it will bring readers of that blog back to mine.
Then: I spent way too much time outfit planning and shopping for the blog. I felt like each post needed to have something "new" in it. I ended up with a lot of clothes I hardly wore. I still had the same budget I do now, but pretty much every cent was spent on clothes each month.
Now: If I'm being honest, I now more often than not pick out my outfit for the day while I'm wearing my towel. I think I am more comfortable knowing what will look good together, but I also realize every outfit doesn't need to be a "work of art," it's just an outfit. Especially being pregnant, shopping is pretty much at a standstill. I have more than enough clothes and don't plan on buying more until after our little girl is here.
Then: I worried a lot about making sure I joined a bunch of link-ups and shared my posts on social media like crazy.
Now: I do only a couple of link-ups a week and really only share on Facebook and Instagram, which I kind of feel like have their own audiences. It seems like most of my Facebook fans are non-blogging moms and although I have a decent audience on Instagram, I think very few people actually click over to my blog: seeing one picture on Instagram seems to be sufficient for them. I don't even attempt Twitter or Snapchat, I think I'm just getting to old to "get them" or engage with people on them in a meaningful way.
Then: I looked at my blog stats daily and was always working to increase my readership.
Now: If I'm being honest, since getting pregnant my blog stats have been pretty static without much growth, and I'm ok with that, pregnant women don't necessarily give an awful lot of fashion inspiration to all the non-pregnant women out there.
Then: I really didn't spend much time on my content, posts were mostly about explaining my outfit.
Now: I really work to create content that is meaningful and authentic. However, I sometimes wonder how many people read it when most of my comments say things like "cute shirt." I really want this space to be meaningful to those who take the time to stop by, so to those of you actually reading this, thank you!
My thoughts on the "Then" and "Now:" I feel like I have a lot more balance and perspective now on this little hobby. Any hobby should be fun, but when it becomes too much of a focus it takes about from the other things in your life that really matter. Thanks to those who have stuck with me through this journey, and as long as it's fun, I'll be here!