Ok, so let me begin by saying I actually love Nordstrom. Seriously, their shoe department is top notch, they have free shipping and returns, and the people that work their are lovely. I'm not promoting or shopping this sale for other reasons which I felt like I should share today.
First off, it is July. July people. I honestly want nothing to do with fall clothes, I don't want to think about them, talk about them, or try them on. Fall clothes means school is in session and that my sandals are stored for the year. I like fall clothes....once it's fall.
Secondly, I don't want to cave into peer pressure. All I see all over the internet is blogger after blogger sharing their #NSale reviews. It hadn't occurred to me to do this before, so it's no longer an original idea, so I don't plan to do it now.
Next, I don't run my blog as a business. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just already have a job, and this blog remains my hobby. I can imagine many bloggers make some big bucks with their links to products this time of year, but like I stated before, I don't really want to even think of fall clothes, so there you have it.
Lastly, and probably the biggest reason, I need more clothes like a hole in the head. Seriously. I feel like social media has us always thirsting for more. Buy, buy, buy. I literally just went though my closet and pulled out at least thirty things I haven't worn in at least a year to take to a resale shop, none of which I will miss. This summer I did get a few tops from Old Navy to freshen up my summer wardrobe since I was pregnant this time last year, but I'm putting on the brakes with shopping this fall.
I recently had a girl email me to remove her from my newsletter list as "I didn't wear clothes she could still buy and she could care less to see pictures of my kid." Ok, then.... Although I was a bit offended by her email (there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of my newsletter she should could have clicked, by the way), she hit the nail on the head. I don't have a lot of new clothes to show, and I like to show pictures of my kids.
I still like blogging, don't get me wrong, but the #NSale onslaught right now really solidifies for me how different I am from how I was a few years back. I don't need to "buy all the things," and I don't need to try to impress anyone else, which used to be a huge issue for me. Clothes are something I wear, not who I am.
Maybe you need to hear this too....fashion is fun but "buying all the things" will never make us feel whole. For me, my faith and my family are so much more important, and there were definitely a few years in there when fashion was taking the front seat, which was pretty foolish in my opinion.
Thank you to all who read my posts....I love to write them. Thanks for sticking around even though I'm not showing new clothes all the time, I'm sharing my faith, and I definitely share a lot pictures of my kids. ; )
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Mathew 6:21