Today I thought I'd share somethings I've had to say to Grant lately that I think only moms of boys can relate to....at least I'm hoping I don't have to say some of these things to Hannah....
1. Did you change your underwear?
2. If I look in the hamper will I see dirty underwear on top?
3. You can be a ninja after dinner, come eat.
4. Please take your game of football outside... (after toppling everything on the sofa table)
5. Flush the toilet (said eighty times a day)
6. Sit down at the table, please.
7. Please put your sister down (as he tries to dance around the room carrying her)
8. No, you didn't brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth.
9. Where are your shoes????
10. Please take your mask off at the table.
11. Please stop jumping, bouncing, climbing on the furniture, bed, chair, counter, table.....
12. Clean socks. Please put on clean socks.
13. How do your socks feel weird????
14. How are you hungry again????
15. No, you didn't take a bath last night.
16. No, you're not done in the bath, your hair isn't even wet.
17. What are you doing with that Sharpie?????
18. Please stop pretending the play kitchen knife is a ninja weapon.
19. You want to do another blindfold taste test?
20. I love you too!