Recently I've been loving the song Live Like You're Loved by Hawk Nelson, I'd love if you took a few minutes to listen!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Work Style
After almost two weeks of warm weather, we are back in highs each day in the 50s. Whomp, whomp. I wore this to church Sunday, but have worn this combo quite a few times. Outfits like this have been my go-to for work, and like I said, I've really been loving Loft for fun prints this year too.
These ankle pants have also been my favorite, I also have them in burgundy, which was great for this fall/winter. I also showed you these wedges from Vionic and they are the best! They've worked so well as a transitional shoe and are so comfortable!
I have also been a huge fan of leather earrings and I stumbled across these which are less than half the price of the ones I'd previously been purchasing. She uses a die-cut for them, so they are perfectly shaped, unlike some other less expensive options which seem to be hand cut.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Soooooo, I have been on a total role with reading lately and going through books like crazy. I think it partly has to do with the fact that I have no desire to watch March Madness, but truly, I'm just a book junkie. I picked up Go Ask Alice, Love Walked In, Promise Not to Tell, and The Girl on the Train at Goodwill for a combined total of $3. I actually went on the hunt for Baby Proof which I saw there a few weeks back, but of course it was gone. I've already read Go Ask Alice and The Girl on the Train, but they were so good I want to re-read them.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Daily Style
Today I thought I'd share some daily outfits, as I haven't posted real outfit pictures in for very much. I'd honestly like to go back to one outfit a week, but it's just not working great with Hannah, and that's ok.
I really like this outfit. My top is from Loft, but a few years old. I'm loving this version though. I'm also crazy about these wedges Vionic sent me about a month ago. I've worn them quite a bit and know they'll be on constant rotation this spring!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
You guys. I have been so excited for the warm temps and the kids have too! We spent quite a bit of time at the park and outside in general this past week and it has been the best! Hannah is obviously a fan too!
Monday, March 20, 2017
Spring Fashion Trends

Hey guys! I'm super excited for spring and the clothes that go with it! I'm sharing these looks and some outfit ideas over at Target Made Me Do It, stop by and check it out!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Little Sis
You guys. Last week the struggle was pretty real around here on the weeknights. It seemed like the second I picked Hannah up from school she didn't want to leave my side or be put down. Then, if I did put her down she wailed and wailed, and I have to admit that baby crying is my kryptonite. I totally couldn't deal.
Then, when I did put her down for dinner, (which was super fun to make while holding a baby by the way), she'd be pretty happy to eat, until I sat down, then she cried and reached for me and wouldn't stop until she'd be sitting on my lap eating. It was exhausting and it made me so sad that she felt like she's sad without me.
The weird thing was that once the weekend came she was happy and content the whole time. She played, let me make dinner and clean up, and did her own thing. I don't remember Grant going through a phase like this, so I totally at a loss. Her school says she's happy, so I just didn't get it.
Then, just as I was starting to get worried, she's been great so far this week in the evenings. She's been pretty content and happy. Little Sister is full of personality, that's for sure! That's kids for you though, they can seem to change with the weather and I guess I need to just roll with the punches.
Update on Grant too, I shared that we started a marble system with him late last week and it's going really well!
Monday, March 13, 2017
Marble Jar

I feel like something we have had to work on repeatedly with Grant is following directions the first time and not arguing or complaining. I go between trying to figure out what is normal kid stuff and what is definitely not ok. I even remember a time a few years back when Grant asked me if he would get his way if he just kept asking. I held in a laugh and responded, "no," but I still sometimes wonder if that's what he's hoping for.
Lots of days and times are really easy and Grant will do what he's supposed to with no complaints, but there are other times that it's not so good. Take for example Grant wanting to wear his basketball jersey to school without a shirt underneath when it's 20 degrees outside. If it was nice, it would be no big deal, but when it's freezing, that's just not happening. Brian and I don't budge, but it's in instances like this that Grant will whine and complain and it drives me crazy, before he ultimately ends up following directions. Sigh....
So, we decided to try a marble jar at home. He get's twenty marbles, each worth a dine, totaling his allowance of $2. He follows directions the first time without arguing and keeps his marbles in, he doesn't listen the first time or argues/complains, he loses a marble. Any marbles he's lost can be earned back by following directions the first time again. At the end of the week if he has all his marbles in his jar he gets an extra $1 of allowance.
We started last week and it's going well. He's really responding to getting to put marbles back in or keep them in there, and it's helping me to praise his positive behavior too. It's also shutting down any arguments or complaining because I simply respond by saying, "You did not listen, go move a marble," or "You are complaining, go move a marble." I know this isn't something that will work forever, but I hope it can help train him into becoming a better listener the first time. Trying to figure everything out is not easy, that's for sure!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Life Lately
I have really been making an effort not to do a lot of shopping, plus I still have my winter clothes out, so I don't really know what I need, but when this top went 40% off and they only had my size left, I knew I needed to nab it. So cute! The cardigan and ankle pants are also Loft but from last year.

Monday, March 6, 2017
A Dog's Purpose
Last week I finished A Dog's Purpose and it was so good! Honestly, when this book was published a few years ago I was not interested in reading it. I was hung up on the fact that the dog becomes reincarnated and that's not something I believe to be true. However, it was something I agree to disagree on when I read this book, and I'm glad I did.
One thing I loved about this book is that it was written from a dog's point of view. Without giving too much away, we see what it's like to be wild, at a puppy mill, with a family, and as a police dog though our main character dog's eye. It is powerful and made me ugly cry multiple times. I also hugged our beagle a bit tighter. Definitely a book worth reading!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Life Lately
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Work Wear for Spring
Today I'm sharing an outfit that I think is perfect for work and the transition to spring. Which I know we are all excited about. I just got these Calypso espadrille wedges from Vionic, which is one of my favorite brands for both quality and comfort. Vionic is all about creating shoes that support natural alignment in your feet as well as giving arch support that works with both flats and heels.
These are my forth pair of Vionics and they will be perfect for both spring and summer. I also love that the wedge is not super tall, so they are perfect for days at school when I need to be on my feet. I paired them with these kick crops from Loft, which I bought last spring. They still have them but only in a few very small sizes. These are similar and all sizes are available.
As for my tops, this cardigan is super old and the tank is from Target last spring.
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