Clothed with Grace: Be Still

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Be Still

With two weeks until my due date, I feel like my head is just spinning with things to do. I'm a planner and I like to have things ready to go, and with navigating plans at school and home, as well as Christmas shopping, I feel like my brain just keeps going!  Can anyone else relate?  On top of that I still want to keep up with this space in blogland, but as I sat down today I had not idea what to write about.  Then I was reminded to "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10).  The holidays can be such a crazy time of year anyway, but this year is extra crazy for me. I let out a big sigh of relief when these words came to me.  God has it covered and everything that needs to be done will, and me rushing around and stressing won't do any good.  I feel like this reminder could do us all some good.  Let's reflect on what matters most this holiday season. For me that's my family, friends, and my faith. Everything else is secondary and will take care of itself.

 I just recently got this tribal jacket from Shein.  The price is great and I'm really happy with the quality too. For reference, this is a large, which I think will be just fine (once I'm not pregnant), but I'd say if you're larger than a size 8, I'd probably pass on this.  A lot of maternity clothes have been really casual, so I really like getting to dress up with this maternity blouse and jacket to feel put together for these last couple of weeks of pregnancy.

Jacket: Shein c/o  same
Shirt: thredUp (Use this link to get $20 off your first purchase.)
Leggings: Target same
Necklace: Target same
Bag: Coach similar
Shoes: Sam and Libby similar

Here are some other pieces I'm loving from Shein right now, and they best part is they are all under $25!

Linking up with:

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  1. Looking gorgeous! The detail on the jacket is too cute!

  2. Congratulations on nearing the end of your pregnancy. Smooth sailing (well aside from labor and from here on out. God is good and will give you peace if you're still and listen to Him. You look amazing in this tribal print. It will be so comfy to wear after baby Hannah arrives. Love you, my sister in Christ!

  3. Looking lovely Ginny and I love this reminder to just Be and let God. Yay for nearing the end of your pregnancy!
    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

  4. Oh man you must be so excited to meet Hannah! Also that blazer is awesome. Love the embroidering.

  5. Thank you for the reminder, I know I needed it too! Just the other day I found out baby's dresser may not arrive until close to her due date, and I almost had a meltdown thinking, "where the heck am I going to put all of these clothes?!?" But that's something I just need to let go and know that it will take care of itself.

  6. Very well said! It can be crazy this time of year but it's always good to be still and relax and trust. I'm so excited to get to see pictures of your little one!

  7. I really like the look of that coat! I've seen a few of their coats and blazers but wasn't sure of the fit of them.
