Clothed with Grace: Life Lately

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Life Lately

Here's a look at what's been going on, via some pictures I shared on Instagram!

This picture is from a few weeks back, but I really don't have very many of Hannah and myself. Grant took this one as we were getting ready to head out to church.  Hannah has a couple of dress outfits for church and I plan to have her wear them as long they fit!

Here's one I took, it's currently my favorite picture!

I also got caught up on scrapbooking before going back to work, but now am behind again, as another month has gone by and I have about a dozen more pictures of Hannah to put in her album.

Getting back in the routine at school has been going well, each day I do have to rush from school to go feed Hannah at daycare though.  They have a nursing room, and honestly, it's a really nice quiet break with her before going to get Grant and having to start dinner at home.

Hannah has also started to wear her three month clothes, I can't believe it! This is a onesie from Grandma, I'd have to say she nailed it with the wording, but I might be a bit biased. ; )

These two though. Seriously.  The love they have for each other is so great to see. I really hope it continues.  I think the age gap is actually in their favor, different stages, so never competing.

And one last picture of Hannah. I can't believe Brian and I made her!


  1. Hannah is so adorable!! Love seeing how much Grant adores being her big brother!

  2. Love your scrapbooking page! Have you ever tried project life? It's a little quicker in my opinion but still leaves you the opportunity to add the scrapbooking artsy stuff on a smaller level. I do a two page spread for one month. You just slide the pictures in and are done! Or you can make it as artsy as you want.
