Like I told you all earlier this week, I had a great time at The Belong Tour. My head has been spinning with a few of the things the different speakers shared, so today I thought I'd share what I've been thinking about. Shauna Niequest spent a lot of time focusing her talk on her journey to get back her "best self," the self that God had created her to be. I thought this was really interesting. She asked us to all think back to when we think we were our all around best, and use that as inspiration.
I'm sure different thoughts went through everyone's head. Some probably thought about when their body was the best and most healthy- for me it was probably my senior year of college. However, just because my body was best, I definitely was not my best self. Plus, that self was single, selfish and self-centered.
Some people probably thought about when they were at their best with their walk with God. For me I was having the most impactful quiet time for about the two years leading up to getting pregnant with Hannah, so I don't want to be there, because that means no Hannah.
Some people might think about when their relationship was the "loviest." For me, that was probably when Brian and I were doe-eyed newly weds, totally unaware that marriage takes work, and that there will be challenges we will have to face, coming out better on the other side.
Then I decided, this is exactly where I want to be. Now. Even though my body isn't at it's best, I can struggle to get in quality quiet time with God, and I realize marriage takes work. God can use me each day right here- in the messy house, the noisy kids, the and the often less than perfectness of everyday life. He can use you too.
It's though each stage of my life, I've learned so much. I know I am a much more patient person now than I ever was. I have also learned that it is not about me the majority of the time, and that others can teach me just as much, if not more, than I teach them.
This also makes me think about what Patsy Clairmont said, "If you know something to be true, make adjustments and stop whining about it." If I know this is where I want to me and am listening to God and allowing him to use me right here, I need to stop whining about the messy, the crazy, and the fact that it is not about me most of the time. I really am happy in in "the now," so why whine?
I do want to continue to be better each day, but I think "best self" is a work in progress, not a destination.
What do you all think about the concept of finding your best self? Are you where I am, or do you have a different take entirely?
Absolutely nothing I am wearing is new, but I am excited to pull this dress out again! I got it from thredUP (use this link for $10 off your first purchase), for less than $20, and I hadn't worn it since I was pregnant, for obvious reasons, but now that I'm back to school and nursing during the day isn't an issue, I've been really enjoying wearing dresses again. Although this dress is old (ish) JCrew has a really fun option this year, and it's on sale!