Clothed with Grace: Introvert

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


A weird thing happened during this last year, I somehow morphed into an introvert. It's pretty weird actually. I used to thrive in groups, at parties, and by being with people. Now, it's exhausting.

If I'm being honest, I maybe have been an introvert for awhile, I just didn't realize it.  I like people, don't get me wrong, but I'm finding that I will totally want to lose it if I don't have a minute to myself during the day.

During my plan I sometimes lock my door and turn off the lights, simply so I won't be bothered. The light from the windows is enough for me to see and get things done, but sometimes people are just too much for me.

I also really enjoy the time to myself doing devotions in the morning and cringe when it is interrupted by the kids, my husband, or the dog.

Same thing goes with nap time/rest time. I need to go to a space to be alone. It's during these times I find myself recharging through reading or watching a show.

For a long time I've felt like I need to be "a hero." Put my own needs on the back burner for the good of everyone else, but it turns out I'm not my best self when I'm not taking care of myself. So, when I find myself about ready to lose it, I've been trying to take a step back, and it its miraculous what a trip to Target for toothpaste a Starbucks can do for my soul. ; )

I want to be a good friend, wife and mother and sometimes that means I need to think about me, and that's ok. After this brief time away I can come back recharged and ready to take on anything.


  1. I totally, totally feel this way, too! I'm constantly reminding myself that I can't be a good mom or wife if I'm burned out. Hang in there!
